Following a lengthy work week, I was in desperate need of a thorough MASSAGE. Upon arrival, the atmosphere was far from pleasant. It was not a relaxing environment at all! Although I have been to similar places that left me with this impression, the deep tissue massage was exceptional. Despite suffering from severe muscle aches, I decided to proceed based on the positive reviews. However, contrary to expectations, the masseuse merely lightly rubbed my upper legs without exerting any real effort, coming uncomfortably close to my lower back. She then began to suggest additional services, to which I politely declined, emphasizing that I only wanted a body massage. Despite my clear communication, she continued with the lacklustre "massage." Just as I was contemplating leaving, her phone rang, and she left the room. Upon her return, she claimed the session was over. I felt a sense of relief as it concluded, realizing it was a complete waste of time and money. This establishment does not provide a genuine massage experience; it appears to cater to a different clientele seeking "extras." Such a place should not be permitted to operate in this manner!